Daily Journal

Febuary 14th 2011
Today we continued to work on Google Sketchup. I am working on a floor plan for a single story house, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, washroom and a dinning room. So far I have the layout of the house complete (walls, floors and doors). I am going to work on the kitchen and dinning room next.

Feb 15th 2011
Today I continued to work on Google Sketchup. I still working on a floor plan for a single story house, with two bedrooms, a kitchen, washroom and a dinning room. Today I worked on designing the componants for the kitchen and the dinning room. I designed the kitchen to have a counter that wraps the southern wall with a island in the middle of the foor, and cupboards. The dinning room has a china cupboard, table and six chairs.
Mr.D assigned the class a small assignment to attempt to recreate the 'everlasting knot' on AutoCAD. For this assignment the class was restricted to use anyother meathod than trimming and offsetting.

Feb 16th 2011
Today I contiuned working on the drawings in AutoCAD. Whith these drawings I practiced useing the trim, offset, and edit commands functions in the program. I worked on the 'ever-lasting knot' and 'edit commands' project found under the AutoCAD Assignments tab.

Feb 17th 2011
Today Mr.D got the class to go onto http://www.morainevalley.edu/cad/problembank.htm and attempt to recreate the drawings that are found on the site. I worked on the first three drawings. I had to use the offset and Trim tools to recreate the drawings. I will post the drawings tommorow along with the original drawings so you can compair them to eachother.

Feb 18 2011
Today I continued working on the AutoCAD problems. I worked on problems 1.3 - 1.7. I am progressing along strongly and learning more about AutoCAD. With these problems I worked on practicing the cirlce, trim and line tools.

Feb 22 2011
Today I finnished off AutoCAD problems 1.3 - 1.7, and started on the Locator. To finnish off these problems I have to use all the skills I've learned so far in the program to get the desired shape and dementions.

Feb 23 2011
Today I finnished the Locator, using the skills and techniques that I learned to draw lines and keep them from getting edited while working on other sections of a layout.

Feb 24 2011
Was at a Skills Convention

Feb 25 2011
Today Mr.D got the class to do three online tests and post the questions and anwsers. For more information on these tests and the anwsers please check the posts under 'Online Tests' and 'Online Tests Anwsers'.

Feb 28 2011
I worked on more AutoCAD probelms , Mr.D had the class attempt to recreate the harder problems, ACAD problem 1.4. The problem that he assigned was in the shape of a shield with a star in the center. I started by creating a yellow outline of a rectangle so I could offset the lines without the outline getting messed up. I started working on the bottom section of the shield and got as far as finnishing off the top section. This was the shield protion of the problem. I had two sets of line one for the Outline and the other of the construction. Once a line was finnished on the construction I highlighted the line and moved it to the Outline set.

Mar 01 2011
Today I finished the Sheild and Star problem. I continued with the tactic I was using yesterday to draw the star. Once the left portion was finished I got rid of the remaining construction lines and mirrored the Outline lines to complete the problem. I helped other students with the problem they were working on.

Mar 02 2011
Today I continued to help students with the Sheild and Star problem.

Mar 03 2011
I continued to help with the Sheild and Star problems.

Mar 04 2011
I continued to work on the rest of the ACAD problems. I completed 1.8 and started on 1.9

Mar 07 2011
I continued on working on ACAD problem 1.9. I posted all the completed ACAD drawings under the ACAD Assignments post.

Mar 08 2011
Today I started on the intermetiate drawing on AutoCAD. I got up to ACAD Problem 2.2

Mar 09 2011
I continued to work on the intermediate drawings. I got up to ACAD Problem 2.4

Mar 10 2011
As the problems increased so did the diffuculty drawing them. I finnished ACAD Problem 2.5 and ACAD Problem 2.6

Mar 11 2011
With the drawings I learned that it was easier to set out two drawing spaces. With the drawing spaces I set one for the out line and the other for the finished sections of the drawings. I finished up to ACAD Problem 2.10

Mar 21 2011
Today Mr.D got the class to play a game called Cargo Bridge. The game can be found at http://limexgames.com/studio/games/cargo_bridge

Mar 22 2011
Today the class was assinged a saw handle design. We had to redraw the handle on AutoCAD. Mr.D want the drawing to also include dimentions for the drawing. I started working on the outside edge working from top to bottom.

Mar 23 2011
I continued to work on the saw handle design. I got as far as working on the butt end of the handle. I had to use the Tan Tan Radius tool to connect the circles at specific points to get the nessassary shape of the handle.

Mar 24 2011
I worked on the holes where the fastening screws would go as well as the finger hole. I had to fix the butt end because the curves just didn't like correct.

Mar 25 2011
Today I finnished off the Saw Handle drawing. I added dementions to the drawing so it would be easier to recreate for another person. I took the drawing and inserted it into a title block so it would be presented better. I posted the finnished Saw Handle drawing under Final Assignments since it would be the last ACAD assignment that Mr.D would assign the class.

Mar 28 2011
Today Mr.D got the class to do another online test. We also had an assembely.

Mar 29 2011
Today Mr.D got the class to work on the test as a review.

Mar 30 2011
Today Mr.D assigned the class to design a logo that we could use representing the class

Mar 31 2011
The class continued to work on their logos

April 1 2011
Today we had an assembly

April 4 2011
Today Mr.D got the class to watch a movie on archetecture of the World Trade Center

April 5 2011
We continued to watch the movie on archetecture of the World Trade Center

April 6 2011
Today Mr.D assinged the class to write a blog entry on the different archetectural styles in North America.

April 7 2011
Today I finnished off the Blog entry on the different archetectural styles in North America.

April 11 2011
Today we started the Archetecture unit. The class then had to take the presentation Mr.D showed and put it onto their blogs. The presentation can be found under the Notes link on the Home Page or the Linked Pages tab.
April 12 2011
We learned how to use the program Envisioneer. Envisioneer is a blue print program that allows the user to design their dream house. Floor plans for various buildings were given out so we could practice using the program. I was given a floor plan for a large home. I started on the outside walls and then moved inside working on the larger rooms first. I had a problem getting the stair case to turn the proper way. I fixed my problem by changing the stair case to one with a platform instead of a spiral. The main point of this excersize was to recreate the floor plan given and to have fun learning a new program.

April 13 2011
The class learned how to design various shapes on Rhino. Rhino is a 3D modeling program that anables the user to draw a 3D shape out of nothing but 2D shapes. We tested how the program worked and each student had an opertunity to be creative. I came up with a wedding ring design using circles and arcks to form the band and triangles to for the diamon holders. We watched a tutorial on youtube on the various functions within Rhino. Our next class will be used to design a hubcap that could be used on a car.

April 18 2011
Today we listined to the Grade 12's presentation on the different sectional drawings on AutoCAD. The grade 11's learned about half cuts and quarter cuts. We also learned how to display depth to a 3d object. From this presentation I became more informed on half and quarter cuts. A half cut is where you split an object in half to show the assembler more detail for the object. A quarter cut is simmilar to a half cut but you split an object into four identical peices.

April 19 2011
Today we did some online tests and started working on our one story 'Dream House'. We researched on the given sites for the various archetecual styles. We had to look for the structual requirments, square footage, room placement, garage size and placement, and window plaements. The house proposal had to be completed before we could move onto the actuall designing of the home.

April 20 2011
Today we continued on working on our floor plans for our 'Dream House'. I finnished off the house proposal and started to work on designing my 'Dream House' in 2d format starting with the rough floor plans and deciding how large each room will be. I used AutoCAD  to design the rough floor plans. I experamented with various layouts with open conceptes. I wanted to do an open concept to try to make the house seem bigger and roomier. I realized that I needed to choose the proper dimentions for the rooms so that I could get the space I needed for the house.

April 21 2011
Today we had a litergy so Mr.D allowed the class to do whatever they wanted, and we had pancakes

April 26 2011
Today Mr.D showed the class how we could use a poly line to draw the walls of our houses. I used 12" poly line for the outside walls and a 6" poly line for the interreor walls.

April 27 2011
Today I continued to work on drawing the walls of my house. I had to color code each room so I would not forget which room was which.

April 28 2011
Today I worked on figuring out how large each room was, useing the imperial measurments. I recorded the lenghts so I could correctly calculate the total square footage of the home. The room sizes are displayed in the chart bellow

Square Footage
20 ’ 0 ”
73.152 cm
20’ 0 “
73.152 cm
Master Bedroom
12 ’ 0 ”
43.8912 cm
15 ’ 0 ”
54.864 cm
Master Bedroom Closet
3‘ 0“
10.9728 cm
15’ 0“
54.864 cm
Bedroom 2
11 ‘ 0 “
40.2336 cm
9 ’ 0 ”
32.9184 cm
Bedroom 2 Closet
2’ 5 11/16”
6’ 0”
21.9456 cm
56’  9.2”
Bedroom 3
11 ‘ 0 “
40.2336 cm
9 ’ 0 ”
32.9184 cm
Bedroom 3 Closet
2’ 5 11/16”
6’ 0”
56’  9.2”
6 ‘ 0 “
21.9456 cm
11 ’ 0 ”
40.2336 cm
9’ 0”
32.9184 cm
7 ‘ 0”
25.6032 cm
Living room /
Dining Room
15 ’ 0 ”
54.864 cm
24 ‘ 0 “
87.7824 cm
3 ‘0 “
10.9728 cm
11 ‘ 0 “
40.2336 cm

April 29 2011
Today I took the recorded measurments and calculated the square footage. The house came to a total of 1458’ 6.4”. The room sizes are shown below.
Garage - 20’x 20’
Master Bedroom - 12’x 15’
Master Bedroom Closet - 3‘x 15’
Bedroom 2 - 11‘x 9’
Bedroom 2 Closet - 2’511/16” x 6’
Bedroom 3 - 11‘x 9’
Bedroom 3 Closet - 2’511/16” x 6’
Washroom - 6‘x 11’
Foyer - 9’x 7‘
Living room /Dining Room - 15’x 24‘
Utilities - 3‘- 11‘

May 2 2011
Today I worked on completing my floor plan in AutoCAD. I put the doors and windows in. I used a normal line instead of a poly line to draw the doors and windows.

May 3 2011
Was at Skills Canada

May 4 2011
Today I continued to work on my Dream House. I took the completed floor plan and transfered it to Invisoneer so I could start working on converting it to a 3d house model. I began the theoretical building of the house starting with the exterror walls. From the calculations from April 29th I was able to decide the window, closets and door placements

May 5 2011
Today I worked on the inside of the house starting with erecting the walls. Once the walls were placed in the correct locations I moved onto inserting the doors and windows into the designated areas in the walls. I decided to seperate the foyer from the living room. I used a knee wall (6' long x 3' high) to seperate these two areas. For the knee wall I inserted another wall where I wanted the knee wall to go and then I changed the height. I had to test various heights till I found one that looked correct and that I liked the look of.

May 6 2011
Mr.D got the class to post on their blog the Envisoneer floor plans for their dream home. This was the last day to work on design process and to make any changes. When I posted my floor plans I included the sizes of the rooms and the AutoCAD floor plans, thereby seeing the dementions of each room and where doors, windows and closets werre located.

May 9 2011
Today I took part in a CPR training seminar and was unable to work on any class room assignments.

May 10 2011
Today I took part in a CPR training seminar and was unable to work on any class room assignments.

May 30 2011
Today Mr.D took the SHSM students to the Mohawk campus.

May 31 2011
Today the grade 12's taught the class how to use the program Rhino. The class had to draw a V Box and a Screwdriver.

June 1 2011
Today the class continued to wrok on the Rhino projects.

June 2 2011
Today Mr.D told the class that today was the last day for working on the Rhino projects and that we should add the elevation veiws on our houses.