Final Evaluation

Booklet: Click here to view the booklet for the DHC Ranch
DHC Ranch: Click here to view the assignment for the DHC Ranch
June 3 2011
Today I learned how to insert the elevations into a title block. I had to save the elevations as images. With the title block I had to convert it into an AutoCAD file and then save it as an image. I then took the elevations and placed them into the title block as they were needed in the file.

June 6 2011
Today I continued to get the elevations into the title block. I also started on placeing the different veiws into the title blocks as needed.

June 07 2011
I ran into some problems when it came to convertin the drawing into a .jpeg picture. I fixed this problem by exporting the images I needed as .jpeg pictures and then exported the titleblock as an AutoCAD file. I took the AutoCAD file and converted that into a .jpeg picture.
June 08 2011
I contiuned with my work from the day before. I took the title blocks and imported all the .jpeg pictures into the the title blocks.

June 09 2011
I continued to import the veiw images into the title blocks. I also worked on importing all the images into my blog.

June 10 2011
Today I focused on my blog, I decided to change my logo. I continued to work on my Journal.

June 13 2011
Today I continued to work on my blog, making sure everything was in that needed to be in.

June 14 2011
Today I worked on putting the various veiws of the DHC Ranch into the titleblocks. I had the rendered elevations to place in the titleblocks.

June 15 2011
Today I started working on the booklet for the DHC Ranch. I took the titleblocks with the veiws on them and placed them within the booklet.

June 16 2011
I continued to work on the bookler for the DHC Ranch. I had forgoten to save the work that I had done the day before on the booklet, so I had to start over again.

June 17 2011
Today I finished off the booklet for the DHC Ranch and I posted it onto my blog.